


What if you could punch and kick your way to the body of your dreams?

Well, at The Arena you can!

Here's Bernard trying to look tough ^^


“But I don’t want to get hit…”

The Arena Striking class consists of a challenging warm up, technical instruction and pad work. We like to mix it up and focus a lot on combinations which is good for developing your speed, co-ordination, strength and cardio.
The last phase of class is sparring but at your first class you will not be allowed to spar. Team mates are paired up according to body type and ability and spar in a safe and controlled manner.

Learn how to defend yourself

Instead of hoping for the rest of your life that you will never run into trouble, why not prepare just in case?

With practice you’ll be able to see that punch coming before it’s right in your face. We can teach you to keep your distance, block, dodge or at the very least, give you the cardio to get out of that bad situation. Learning self defence is not just for yourself, it’s for your friends and family too.

How to have a great first class

  1. Show up on time or 5 minutes early.

  2. Have a chat with Poitr to let him know you’re new.

  3. Listen to instruction.

  4. During class, if you don’t know what to do, ask somebody.

  5. Take breaks if you need to.

  6. At the end of class, make sure to stretch!

What to bring to your first class

  • comfortable exercise clothes

  • a bottle of water

  • a towel

  • Boxing Gloves

  • Gum shield

Author: arenawexford

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